Gain Share Consultancy for Digital Marketing and IT Spend
Reduce your overheads without paying any up front costsNo budget for a Digital Transformation consultant?
No budget for a Digital Transformation consultant?
If, having reviewed your current IT and Digital Marketing infrastructure, we consider that there is a more modern, efficient and cost-effective solution which you would benefit from, we will help you to move to that platform. No upfront consultancy fee will be payable; you only need to pay a percentage of any money that we save you.*
In the event that we cannot reduce your costs, we will help you to understand the benefits of upgrading and ensure you are getting the best solution available for your requirements.
Our gain share consultancy is aimed at companies with slightly older technology, generally with in-house servers, who are struggling with rising support costs and ongoing third party maintenance contracts.
*Please note that this service is subject to an initial analysis of your existing IT and digital estate to understand if cost savings are achievable.

- Do you track the ROI on your on and off-site IT Infrastructure, Website and Digital Marketing?
- Do you feel you aren’t getting the services you are paying for?
There is no cost to your company. We will agree a percentage share of your cost savings over the next year once your business is transformed.
This service is subject to initial analysis of your existing IT and Digital estate to understand if cost savings are achievable.
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